Did a Self-Proclaimed Multi-Millionaire Scam Her Social Media Followers? Some Who Bought Her Online Courses Say She Took Them for Thousands

Black influencer Ashley Grayson Massengill who sells an online credit repair course, is being accused of scamming her followers.

Content creator Massengill is a self-proclaimed multi-millionaire who became an Internet sensation with claims she made more than $1 million in just 40 minutes.

Ashley Grayson Massengill (Photo: https://www.digitalcourserecipe.com/)

The influencer sells a course on how to create your own credit repair company called Digital Course Recipe.

Massengill Told An Inspirational Story of Making Millions

Back in 2017, Massengill quit her job at the post office to pursue a credit repair business called AMPM Credit Repair. She claims her success led to her to develop a program to empower others “wanting to learn how to launch their own credit repair company,” according to her website.

Last fall, a Black Enterprise feature presented Massengill as a legit entrepreneur, having “mastered the creator economy [w]ithout any paid ads” when she had about 27,000 followers on Instagram. The influencer told the reporter she would teach the lessons she learned over her four years as an entrepreneur. She also claimed that she teach these skills through her online courses within 60 days.

Massengill imparted her “comeback” story, saying she was facing eviction in 2013 and had her car repossessed, but now she is a multimillionaire.

According to her company’s website, there’s a waitlist to join the course, implying her courses are booked to capacity. The 60 day, 10 module courses also seem to be marketed to women, as every picture features a woman on her computer.

Customer Feedback Calls Her Claims Into Question

Massengill’s students are now reporting that they were scammed by her and her husband. And many of them have taken to TikTok to call her out.

One TikTok user, Sherell Hodge, posted that she paid Massengill $2,000 and eventually got blocked on social media by the entrepreneur.

Hodge also said Massengill was a fraud as her claims of a self-made fortune actually comes from a workplace injury settlement.

Hodge’s viral TikTok series of posts have led others to come forward with their negative experiences with Massengill.

Massengill Responds

Massengill has denied any wrongdoing. She does admit to filing a personal injury lawsuit on September 2 against Hodge in Dallas County Texas Courts, Dallas County Texas Courts.

She also says her course has a disclaimer that reads in part: “This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in this training are outlier earnings, and are not guaranteed results for everyone.”

It continues, “All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING.”

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