Report: Film Producer and Director John Singleton’s Estate Finalized with $6 Million Estate to be Split Between Seven Children

The estate of film director and movie producer John Singleton has been finalized with the money being split between his seven children. 

Radar reported the settlement earlier this week.

Portrait of American film director John Singleton as he poses inside a screening room, Los Angeles, California, 1991. (Photo by Anthony Barboza/Getty Images)

Singleton, who made his directorial debut in 1991 with the classic film “Boyz in the Hood,” died in 2019 after suffering several strokes. Singleton also produced Michael Jackson’s video “Remember the Time,” the film “Baby Boy” and was a co-creator of the television series “Snowfall.”  He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director at 24, becoming the first African-American and youngest person to be nominated for the award. 

At the time of his death, Singleton had served as executive producer of three movies, producer of four films, and director of nine films. In addition to serving as the co-creator for “Snowfall,” Singleton also served as executive producer or director for television series, including “Billions,” “American Crime Story,” and “LA Burning: Riots 25 Years Later.” 

An Outdated Will Leads To Estate Conflicts 

At the time of his death, the filmmaker left over $6 million in assets. However, with an outdated will — signed in 1993 and no trust established — Singleton’s heirs were at the center of the conflict. At the time that Singleton established the will in 1993, he only had one child, Justice Singleton, according to Forbes. 

Singleton’s mother, Sheila Ward, filed to open probate proceedings and use his 1993 will. Within her filing, Ward identified that Singleton’s assets were $3.8 million. She also listed five acknowledged children and two minor children listed as “alleged daughters,” as paternity was in question.  

Several of Singleton’s children and their mothers filed claims against the estate. Singleton’s daughter, Cleopatra, filed a claim asking for $1 million to be paid out to her as an earlier court decision had ordered Singleton to maintain a $1 million life insurance policy with her named as the beneficiary. 

Estate Report Identifies Assets, Including Memorabilia 

Recently, Ward shared her final estate report with the court administrator. In the report, it was revealed that Singleton’s estate was valued at $6.8 million. These assets included a Los Angeles residence, a 1999 Lexus, a 2003 Mercedes Benz and a 2012 sailboat. 

Singleton owned 70 percent interest in Crunk Pictures, LLC. He was also the owner of New Deal Productions, which was valued at $3.2 million and possessed personal property worth $156,000 which included a $75,000 painting of Tupac Shakur and a $50,000 lowrider used in the film “Baby Boy.” In addition, Singleton’s retirement accounts included $1.1 million and an estimated $31,000 across several bank accounts. 

Ward also shared that Singleton’s personal property included comic books worth at least $15,000 along with comic book art pieces, each valued at $15,000. Other paintings such as a “Boyz N The Hood” poster and director script binders from films such as “Poetic Justice,” “Shaft,” “Black Snake Moan,” and “Hustle & Flow” are estimated to be worth an additional $14,500.

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