Michelle Obama Reportedly Commands Astounding $750,000 for an Hour Speech

If you want former first lady Michelle Obama to speak at your event, it could cost you. An hour-long speech from the Obama could run organizers nearly $750,000.

Michelle Obama (Photo via Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/michelleobama/?hl=en&img_index=1)

With an estimated net worth of $45 million, Obama has built a successful career independent of her husband, President Barack Obama. And she’s an international speaking sensation.

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Germany’s annual Oktoberfest beer festival, which takes place in Munich’s famed open space arena Theresienwiese from Sept. 16 to Oct. 3, paid Michelle 700,000 euros, which converts to roughly $741,000, for her appearance at the Bits & Pretzels Founder Festival, according to The Daily Mail.

Since leaving the White House, Michelle has consistently addressed large audiences, in contrast to her husband, Barack, whose net worth is $70 million. At the event, she addressed approximately 5,000 attendees, discussing how to “push past self-doubt” while emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and diversity.

The New York Post reported that the couple has a combined net worth estimated to be between $70 million and $135 million.

The three-day Bits & Pretzels conference event featured founders of national and international companies sharing their success stories and hosting guest speakers such as the former first lady.

Notably, according to The Daily Mail, the conference reportedly paid Obama a significantly higher amount than usual, with one insider telling the UK tabloid, “It’s one of the highest fees they have ever paid.”

It is worth noting that Barack had also spoken at the festival in 2019, with his speech focused on “entrepreneurial spirit and leadership skills,” implying that her speaking fees are higher than his. Although his fee for the appearance has never been disclosed, he earned nearly $700,000 from two speeches in Australia earlier this year, The Daily Mail reported.

In 2017, Axios reported that Michelle’s speaking fees reached $200,000, while Barack’s fees were $400,000.

When the Obamas left the White House, the beloved presidential couple, wedded since 1992, maintained their income with lucrative speaking engagements and secured a $65 million book deal with Penguin for their memoirs.

Additionally, they founded ‘Higher Ground,’ a joint production company, and inked an eight-figure, multi-year contract with streaming giant Netflix in 2018.

In the prior year, the former first lady embarked on a six-city U.S. tour to promote her book, “The Light We Carry,” wherein she shared her strategies for conquering fears.

Needless to say, Mrs. Obama has stayed busy — and raked in a few millions — since leaving the White House.

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