Thriving Real Estate Investor Who Grew Up In Poverty Shares Books That Will Provide a Framework For Success

Real estate investor and co-founder of KayJay Consulting Kevin “KayR” Robinson learned two important lessons at an early age: That people who possessed power owned assets and that if he wanted to be successful, he’d need to take control of his life. 

“Success does not like speed,” Robinson said. Things done well are done soon enough.” 

Photo by Zen Chung from Pexels

After attending Bowdoin College in Maine on a full scholarship, Robinson graduated from Dartmouth Colleges’s Tuck School of Business with his master’s in business administration. Robinson held positions with Goldman Sachs, Sirios Capital Management, Raptor Capital Management and Truist Securities. While working in investment banking, Robinson began purchasing rental properties in Philadelphia.  

Robinson is currently retired from investment banking and now owns over 100 rental units throughout Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He has coined the term “transformational wealth” to describe empowering friends and family to learn skills that will lead to asset building. 

“I meet people where they are so that they can think of transforming their situation,” Robinson said. I don’t hire people based on skill set, but potential. I am confident in coaching. I look for raw talent, whether it is a family or stranger.”

And working with his business partner, Robinson guides novice real estate investors through his consulting firm, KAYJAY Consulting.

While education positioned Robinson to build his career as an investment banker and real estate investor, the foundation for Robinson’s success lies in books. At the age of 13, he could be found with his head buried in real estate, business management and wealth creation books. Robinson recently shared with Finurah some books that he believes will support people in becoming empowered in their lives. 

“These books all provide entrepreneurs with a framework on success — not just in real estate, but life in general,” Robinson said. “You can apply the same principles in these books to any business, relationship or goal you want to achieve.” 

“7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R Covey

What separates truly successful people from those who consistently fail to reach their goals? Covey argues that being effective — in our personal and professional lives — requires that we become principled in our approach to achieving results. Focusing on human dignity, fairness,  integrity and honesty will allow people to lead themselves, build trust and positively influence others, Covey argues. 

The Biology of Success” by Robert Arnot

Success is not just about being proactive and setting goals. It’s also about possessing a growth mindset that will allow you to move forward with a positive thought process and energy. According to Arnot, that you can achieve your goals if your mood is positive. Using insightful stories, Arnot shares how diet and exercise play an essential role in improving your outlook, the power of relaxation and sleep, and focusing on your mental energy. 

Organizing from the Inside Out” by Julie Morgenstern

Being organized is another essential component of success. If your personal and professional life is filled with clutter and disorganization, it will be difficult for you to remain focused on achieving your goals. Morgenstern outlines how developing an organization plan will support your personal needs, habits and goals to remain effective. 

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