Judge Rules for Kevin Hunter In Wendy Williams Financial Records Drama as Guardian Is Found to Have Withheld Bank Docs

Wendy Williams’ money drama is back in the news again — and back in court.

Wendy Williams’ ex-husband, Kevin Hunter, and her guardian are in litigation over alimony payments to him as their out-of-court meditation has reached an impasse.  

But most recently, on April 19, the court sided with Hunter over Williams’ guardian, Sabrina Morrissey.

Here’s what happened. Hunter filed a separate court response demanding almost two years of alimony payments. In his filing charges that Williams stopped paying spousal support before being placed under her court ordered guardianship in 2022. He also claims that Morrissey withheld financial records and has not provided an adequate reason for stopping alimony payments. Finally, Hunter charges that Morrissey is siphoning money for herself in her role as Williams’ guardian, according to IMDB.

“I’m not just concerned about the money; she’s come in and swooped in and depleted the account in that time,” Hunter told the court last week, according to The Sun. 

The judge in the case sided with Hunter’s request noting that by withholding financial records, Morrissey was keeping the case from moving forward. 

“Clearly, this can’t settle because the parties are in the dark,” Judge Michael Katz told Morrisey, The Sun reported. “People won’t settle if they don’t have all the info, so I don’t know why they don’t have information.”

Morrissey was ordered to share the financial records with Hunter. In addition, an arbitrator would decide if there was a breach in the marital settlement agreement. 

Background to the Drama

Williams divorced Hunter in 2020. He was awarded spousal support but there was a caveat to the agreement–if Williams’ annual income decreased to below a certain amount in 2020, his support would end, according to court documents. Williams, was a prominent television show host and producer with The Wendy Williams Show. Since 2022, she has been under a court ordered guardianship as her physical and mental health declined. Since then, Hunter and Williams’ guardian, Sabrina Morrissey have been embroiled in a series of legal proceedings concerning Williams’ financial capacity. 

Request for Back Payments 

Not only is Hunter suing, so is Morrissey. According to documents filed in the Superior Court of New Jersey, she is demanding that Hunter return $112,500 in alimony payments. Morrissey charges that Hunter was overpaid by three months and was “unjustly enriched” by Williams’ bank account. 

“I believe this was largely the result of the fact that the payments had been put on an ‘autopay’ function within her account,” Morrissey said in court documents retrieved by People. “Her residuals income has been very small since 2021, nowhere near one half of her income in February of 2020 or in October of 2021.”

Morrissey claims that Williams only received two payments since leaving The Wendy Williams show. In February 2022, Williams received a lump sum payment of $1952 and in January 2023, $59. 

Morrissey also argued that by Hunter keeping the spousal support, he has “interfered with [Williams’] right of possessions to those funds,” according to People. 

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