Finurah Funding Friday: Questions Grant Seekers Must Answer, and Some Available Accelerator Programs and Local Grants

Grant awards provide entrepreneurs with funding that does not need to be repaid and often technical support from the funding agency. Yet what does it take to be awarded a grant? Entrepreneurs should approach grant applications like anything else in their businesses: intentionally and purposefully.

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

When entrepreneurs apply for a grant, they need to show that they have an apparent reason for needing funding. Therefore, when applying to grants, ask these questions: 

  • Why do I need funding? Consider the specific need within your business and be ready to share how funding will help your business grow. 
  • Who are previous grant recipients? Grants are competitive. By researching the funding organization and previous grant recipients, you will have an understanding of the type of entrepreneurs chosen to receive funding. 
  • Who can I ask for support? It is not uncommon for grants to request references of their applicants. Therefore, compile a list of contacts who will be ready to share the value of your business. 

This week’s Finurah Funding Friday highlights grants that support entrepreneurs’ growth and development on the local and national levels. 

Fresh Start Business Grant Through Incfile 

If you’re looking to establish your business and need support with your startup costs, the Fresh Start Business Grant offered through online legal services company Incfile is ready to accept your application. Entrepreneurs age 20 or older can apply and are eligible to receive $2,500 and free services from Incfile. The application is due March 31. Interested applicants can learn more here.

Aveeno Skin Health Startup Accelerator 

If you have a product, brand, or technology that will support the skin and/or hair care needs of Black consumers and need funding, apply for the Aveeno Skin Health Startup Accelerator. Black women entrepreneurs should create a one to two-minute introduction video. The grant award is $100,000, and the application is due by April 30. Find out more here.

Orange County Micro Business Grants 

If you are a resident of Orange County, California, and own a business established before December 2019, you may be eligible for a $2500 grant. Companies must have less than $50,000 in revenues and less than five full-time employees. Applications are due March 15. For more information, visit here

Shawnee Small Business Grant

Shawnee Small Business Grant Program Grants for up to $5,000 are available to businesses located in Shawnee, Kansas. Businesses with no more than 50 employees are eligible to apply. Applicants are due by March 25. Learn more about the funding opportunity here.  

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