Songwriter Gets Another Day In Court as She Continues to Stall Nipsey Hussle’s Children’s Inheritance Payments By Claiming She Is Owed Money from Estate

A singer/ songwriter Tasleema Yasin has not given up on her pursuit to get money from the Nipsey Hussle estate. The vocalist maintains that she is an uncredited co-author of the late-rapper’s hit song “Hussle and Motivate,” and is entitled to a portion of all monies earned after its release. Now a judge reportedly has determined that she will get another day in court to make her case.

nipsey hussle
(Photo via Instagram @nipseyhussle)

Blacc Sam, Nipsey’s brother and the administrator of the estate, says the courts should reject her latest complaint because he has already settled with her. RadarOnline reports that a judge ruled recently that more evidence is needed to resolve the matter and set a date for the two parties to appear in court in March.

The artist’s revisiting of the 2019 and 2022 claims has created a complication in the estate’s distribution of inheritance checks to the two children of the Los Angeles recording artist. This includes Nipsey’s daughter, Emani, from his ex-girlfriend Tanisha Foster, and his son, Kross, from his girlfriend Lauren London.

Nipsey Hussle Estate Drama

Blacc Sam had hoped to write each heir approximately $5 million apiece and then set up a plan for them to receive payments for the rest of their lives from their father’s property, enterprise, and assets. To execute this Sam submitted to the court a detailed assessment of all the debts owed by the estate to any creditors — and Yasin’s allegation popped up again, despite the estate recently beating her in court, RadarOnline reports.

Yasin and Sam have been in and out of court for almost the past five years, beginning months after the rapper died.

In 2022, Yasin and Sam seemed to have resolved at least part of her dispute.

Yasin claims Sam had agreed to pay her a 10 percent share of the Master Sound Recording and agreed that she was entitled to receive a payment of $35,000 as part of the agreement.

However, more complications came regarding her case and the agreement between the two.

On April 11, 2023, following her failure to respond to the Order to Show Cause, issued when a court order or a judge’s demand requires a party to justify or explain the reasons for or against a motion or relief, Judge Stephen V. Wilson concluded that the songwriter did not present sufficient evidence to warrant the court’s continuation of the case. He dismissed her case, court records show.

“The file in this case lacks the papers that would show it is being timely prosecuted, as reflected below,” Wilson wrote in the order, Hot 97 reported. “Accordingly, the Court, on its own motion, hereby orders plaintiff(s) to show cause in writing no later than April 4, 2023, why this action should not be dismissed as to all remaining defendants, for lack of prosecution.”

Yasin opted to represent herself instead of hiring a lawyer and missed the set deadline.

Months later, in October 2023, Sam made the filing to the court regarding the estate’s debt.

In January, Yasin filed an objection to the final report being approved and any money being released. She claimed that Sam had breached their deal and said she has only received $16K of the promised payments.

“Regrettably, the opposing party has thus far delayed the fulfillment of their obligations under the contract, and consequently, they are in breach of its terms,” Yasin claimed. “The original agreement with the Estate is deemed void due to multiple breaches. Ms. Yasin no longer seeks enforcement of this breached agreement. Instead, she is seeking damages as a result of these breaches and wishes to negotiate a new agreement that will protect her interests moving forward.”

Sam rejects her assertion saying that the estate doesn’t owe her anything.

According to him, she signed a settlement with All Money In LLC, the company she was signed to, and the terms of that agreement meant she had agreed to permanently dismiss any claims against Nipsey’s estate.

Sam told the court that if she believes there was money owed, she should sue All Money In LLC.

Sam is asking that the motion be denied and that the court approve his final report so that the children can receive the money due them from their father’s $11 million estate.

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